Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Is Keratin Treatment For Hair Loss A Good Idea?

There are many that ask if a Keratin Treatment for Hair Loss is beneficial, well… the jury is still out on this one. 

What is Keratin?

Keratin is the name of the protein that is found naturally in hair. It gives structure to the hair. It is nowadays used in many keratin treatments for hair loss

Salon Treatments

In keratin treatments done at salons, different ingredients are added to keratin and applied to the hair. They are basically semi-permanent treatments that smoothen the hair. Usually these treatments last anywhere from 4-6 months.

In most treatments, a chemical substance called formaldehyde is also added, which is really harmful to the body and hair. Its fumes are said to cause nausea and headache too. 

Most people who go in for these treatments now usually ask the salons if their products contain glyoxylic acid instead of formaldehyde. While this treatment may not show as dramatic a result as the formaldehyde one, at least the hair doesn’t have to undergo the harshness faced with it.
Many people have also gone for keranique hair regrowth treatment. This is a tested treatment that avoids the use of harsh chemicals while aiding the scalp to produce more hair by generating a conducive environment over the head.

If you have curly hair and you want glossy, super straight hair, you might be tempted to check the keratin treatment out. There’s no harm in putting in the right amount of research into this first so that your hairs are not unnecessarily damaged. In the long run and with numerous such treatments, you might find yourself losing a lot of hair and see them thinning out.

Always visit a reputed salon for these treatments as the chances of spurious products are usually lesser there.